
发布日期:2021-08-24    浏览次数:

林启忠,福州大学教授,博士生导师。20097月毕业于同济大学数学系,获理学博士学位,导师李雨生教授,学位论文获上海市优秀博士学位论文奖。于2014.08-2015.08在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)访学一年,导师金芳蓉(Fan Chung)院士。研究内容主要包括图的Ramsey理论及相关极值图论问题,涉及Szemeredi正则引理、概率方法、代数构造等。与李雨生教授合著在Springer出版关于Ramsey理论专著1本,在主流核心刊物发表论文多篇。主持4项国家自然科学基金项目以及1项福建省重点项目等。现任中国数学会组合数学与图论专业委员会委员。获邀第九届世界华人数学家大会45分钟报告。


2017.08-至今, 福州大学,教授








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,12171088Ramsey理论中的若干问题和正则性方法,2022.01-2025.12

2. 国家自然科学基金天元数学(高级研讨班)项目,12226401Ramsey-Turan若干问题高级研讨班,2023.01-2023.12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11671088Ramsey理论问题中的正则引理和随机方法,2017.01-2020.12

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,11101086,图的Ramsey理论中的随机方法,2012.01-2014.12

5. 福建省自然科学基金重点项目,2022J0143Ramsey理论中的几个问题和正则性方法,2022.04-2025.03

6. 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2017

7. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2016J0101,图的Ramsey理论问题中的随机方法,2016.04-2019.03

8. 福建省教育厅资助项目,JK2010007Ramsey理论和图论中的随机方法,2010.04-2013.03



2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11871015,两类与嵌入树相关的猜想的研究,2019/01-2022/12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11571075,Ray非异矩阵的禁用结构,2016/01-2019/12

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,10871147,Ramsey图的代数结构和随机性,2009/01-2011/12


1. 2021年度福建省自然科学三等奖(排2

2. 2018年度福建省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师


1. Li, Yusheng; Lin, Qizhong Elementary methods of graph Ramsey theory, Springer, 2022.


1. Fan Chunchao;  Lin, QizhongRamsey non-goodness involving books. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 199 (2023), 105780.

2. Li, Tianyu; Lin, Qizhong; Peng, Xing Ramsey numbers of the quadrilateral versus books. J. Graph Theory 103 (2023), no. 2, 309–322.

3. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng Quasi-random graphs of given density and Ramsey numbers. Pure Appl. Math. Q. 18 (2022), no. 6, 2537–2549.

4. Chen, Xun; Lin, Qizhong; You, Chunlin Ramsey numbers of large books. J. Graph Theory 101 (2022), 124–133.

5. Lin, Qizhong; Peng, Xing Large book-cycle Ramsey numbers. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 35 (2021), no. 1, 532–545.

6. Lin, Qizhong; Liu, Xiudi Ramsey numbers involving large books. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 35 (2021), no. 1, 23–34.

7. Lin, Qizhong; Chen, Weiji New upper bound for multicolor Ramsey number of odd cycles. Discrete Math. 342 (2019), no. 1, 217–220.

8. Hao, Yiyuan; Lin, Qizhong Star-critical Ramsey numbers for large generalized fans and books. Discrete Math. 341 (2018), no. 12, 3385–3393.

9. Shen, Lili; Lin, Qizhong; Liu, Qinghai Bipartite Ramsey numbers for bipartite graphs of small bandwidth. Electron. J. Combin. 25 (2018), no. 2, Paper No. 2.16, 12 pp.

10. Cheng, Lei; Hou, Jianfeng; Li, Yusheng; Lin, Qizhong Monochromatic solutions for multi-term unknowns. Graphs Combin.32 (2016), no. 6, 2275–2293.

11. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng A Folkman linear family. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 29 (2015), no. 4, 1988–1998.

12. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng; Shen, Jian Lower bounds for r2(K1+G) and r3(K1+G)  from Paley graph and generalization. European J. Combin. 40 (2014), 65–72.

13. Lin, QiZhong; Hou, JianFeng; Liu, Yue Acyclic edge coloring of graphs with large girths. Sci. China Math. 55 (2012), no. 12, 2593–2600.

14. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng Multicolor bipartite Ramsey number of C(4) and large K(n,n). J. Graph Theory 67 (2011), no. 1, 47–54.

15. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng; Dong, Lin Ramsey goodness and generalized stars. European J. Combin.31 (2010), no. 5, 1228–1234.

16. Lin, Qizhong; Li, Yusheng Bipartite Ramsey numbers involving large K(n,n). European J. Combin. 30 (2009), no. 4, 923–928.


毕业博士生:陈勋,尤春霖, 李天宇

在读博士生:胡昕钰,范春超, 牛琳

毕业硕士生:尤春霖,胡昕钰,陈伟基,王秀雯,郝艺远,沈丽丽,刘二雄,田晓琳,刘秀迪,时鹏辉,孙嘉良,张晓彤,卢鑫, 牛琳,王晨璐

在读硕士生:张南,严远辉, 陈文,徐鑫,吕充洋