- 2021年5月至今,福州大学,数学与统计学院,教授,硕导;
- 2019年8月至9月,赫尔辛基大学,数学与统计系,合作交流;
- 2017年2月至3月,赫尔辛基大学,数学与统计系,合作交流;
- 2015年8月至2016年8月,赫尔辛基大学,数学与统计系,访问教授;
- 2014年7月至2021年4月,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,教授,硕导;
- 2009年9月至2014年6月,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,副教授,硕导;
- 2006年8月至2009年8月,福州大学,数学与计算机科学学院,讲师,硕导。
- 2003年9月至2006年7月,东北师范大学应用数学专业,获理学博士学位;
- 2000年9月至2003年7月,东北师范大学应用数学专业,获理学硕士学位;
- 1996年9月至2000年7月,吉林师范大学数学与应用数学,获理学学士学位。
- 传染病动力学机制及相关控制问题;
- 随机微分(泛函)方程理论及应用,包括随机系统解的存在唯一性、稳定性等问题;
- 具有阶段结构生态系统的持久性与稳定性问题。
[1] Fengying Wei, Ruiyang Zhou, Zhen Jin, et al., Studying the impacts of variant evolution for a generalized age-group transmission model, PLoS One, 2024, 19(7): e0306554.
[2] Rongli Mo, Xingmin Wu, Fengying Wei, Population-toxicant models with stage structure and the psychological effects, Inter. J. Biomath. 2024, 17: 2450075.
[3] Yongmei Cai, Xuerong Mao, Fengying Wei, An advanced numerical scheme for multi-dimensional stochastic Kolmogorov equations with superlinear coefficients, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 2024, 437: 115472.
[4] Fengying Wei, Ruiyang Zhou, Zhen Jin, et al., COVID-19 transmission driven by age-group mathematical model in Shijiazhuang City of China, Infect. Dis. Model. 2023,8(4): 1050-1062.
[5] 李丹,魏凤英,毛学荣,具有媒体报道的SVIR传染病模型的动力学性质,数学物理学报,2023,43A(5):1595-1606.
[6] Xuanpei Zhai, Wenshuang Li, Fengying Wei, et al., Dynamics of an HIV/AIDS transmission model with protection awareness and fluctuations, Chaos, Solitons Fractals. 2023, 69, 113224.
[7] Dan Li, Fengying Wei, Xuerong Mao, Stationary distribution and density function of a stochastic SVIR epidemic model, J. Frankl. Inst.-Eng. Appl. Math. 2022, 359(16): 9422-9449.
[8] Fangfang Liu, Fengying Wei, An epidemic model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and environmental fluctuations, Physica A. 2022, 597: 127321.
[9] Xuerong Mao, Fengying Wei, Teerapot Wiriyakraikul, Positivity Preserving Truncated Euler-Maruyama Method for Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Competition Model. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 2021, 394, 113566.
[10] Fengying Wei, Hui Jiang, Quanxin Zhu, Dynamical behaviors of a heroin population model with standard incidence rates between distinct patches. J. Flankl.Inst.-Eng. Appl. Math. 2021, 358(9): 4994-5013.
[11] Hebai Chen, Fengying Wei, Yong-Hui Xia, et al., Global dynamics of an asymmetry piecewise linear differential system: theory and applications. Bullet. Sci. Math. 2020, 160, 102858.
[12] Fengying Wei, Rui Xue, Stability and extinction of SEIR epidemic models with generalized nonlinear incidence. Math. Comput. Simul. 2020, 170, 1-15.
[13] Fengying Wei, Chengjia Wang, Survival analysis of a biomathematical model with fluctuations and migrations between patches,Appl. Math. Model. 2020,81:113-127.
[14] Rui Xue,Fengying Wei,Stability and extinction of SEIR epidemic models with generalized nonlinear incidence,Math. Comput. Simul. 2020,170: 1-15.
[15] Lihong Chen,Fengying Wei, Extinction and stationary distribution of an epidemic model with partial vaccination and nonlinear incidence rate,Physica A. 2020,545:122852.
[16] Ruoxin Lu,Fengying Wei, Persistence and extinction for an age-structured stochastic SVIR epidemic model with generalized nonlinear incidence rate,Physica A 2019,513:572-587.
[17] Shuqi Gan,Fengying Wei, Study on a susceptible-infected-vaccinated model with delay and proportional vaccination,Inter. J. Biomath. 2018,11(8): 1850102.
[18] 魏凤英,林青腾,非线性发病率随机流行病模型的动力学行为,数学学报, 2018,61(1):155-166.
[19] Fengying Wei, Stefan A.H.Geritz, Jiaying Cai, A stochastic single-species population model with partial population tolerance in a polluted environment, Appl. Math. Lett. 2017,63: 130-136.
[20] Fengying Wei, Lihong Chen, Psychological effect on single-species population models in a polluted environment,Math. Biosci. 2017,290: 22-30.
[21] Fengying Wei, Jiamin Liu, Long-time behavior of a stochastic epidemic model with varying population size,Physica A 2017,470: 146-153.
[22] 魏凤英,林青腾,一类具有校正隔离率的随机SIQS模型的绝灭性与分布,数学物理学报,2017,37A(6):1148-1161.
[23] 魏凤英,陈芳香,具有饱和发生率的随机SIRS流行病模型的渐近行为,系统科学与数学,2016,36(12):2444-2453.
[24] Fengying Wei, Qiuyue Fu, Hopf bifurcation and stability for predator-prey systems with Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response and stage structure for prey incorporating refuge, Appl. Math. Model. 2016, 40(1): 126-134.
[25] Fengying Wei, Fangxiang Chen, Stochastic permanence of an SIQS epidemic model with saturated incidence and independent random perturbations, Physica A. 2016, 453: 99-107.
[26] Jiamin Liu,Fengying Wei, Dynamics of stochastic SEIS epidemic model with varying population size, Physica A. 2016, 464: 241-250.
[27] Fengying Wei, Qiuyue Fu, Globally asymptotic stability of predator-prey model with stage structure incorporating prey refuge,Inter. J. Biomath. 2016, 9(4): 1650058.
[28] Lihong Chen,Fengying Wei, Persistence and distribution of a stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model with varying population size, Physica A. 2017, 483: 386-397.
[29] Fengying Wei, Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions to a periodic predator-prey system with harvesting terms and Hollling III type functional response, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 2011, 16(4): 2130-2138.
[30] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, The periodic solution of functional differential equations with infinite delay, Nonlinera Anal. RWA. 2010, 11(4) 2669-2674.
[31] Wei Fengying, Lin Yangrui, Que Lulu, Chen Yingying, Wu Yunping, Xue Yuanfu, Periodic solution and global stability for a nonautonomous competitive Lotka-Volterra diffusion system, Appl. Math. Comput. 2010, 216(10): 3097-3104.
[32] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, The existence and uniqueness of the solution for stochastic functional differential equations with infinite delay, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2007, (331): 516-531.
[33] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Positive periodic solutions of an n-species ecological system with infinite delay, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 2007, 208: 362-372.
[34] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Persistence of some stage structured ecosystems with finite and infinite delay, Appl. Math. Comput. 2007, 189(1): 902-909.
[35] Gao Haiyin, Wang Ke,Wei Fengying, Ding Xiaohua, Massera-type theorem and asymptotically periodic Logistic equations, Nonlinear Anal. RWA. 2006, 7(5): 1268-1283.
[36] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Asymptotically periodic solution of n-species cooperation system with time delay, Nonlinear Anal. RWA. 2006, 7(4): 591-596.
[37] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Global stability and asymptotically periodic solution for nonautonomous cooperative Lotka–Volterra diffusion system, Appl. Math. Comput. 2006, 182(1): 161-165.
[38] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Permanence of variable coefficients predator-prey system with stage structure, Appl. Math. Comput. 2006, 180(2): 594-598.
[39] Wei Fengying, Wang Ke, Uniform persistence of asymptotically periodic multispecies competition predator pray systems with Holling III type functional response, Appl. Math. Comput. 2005, 170(2): 994-998.