报告题目:From Quantum Particles to the Compressible Euler Equation
We consider the limit of 3D quantum N-particle dynamics as N tends to infinity and Planck's constant tends to zero. We establish that the classical compressible Euler equation is the limit with strong and quantitative convergence up to the 1st blow up time of the limiting Euler equation. During the course of the proof, we prove, as theoretically predicted, that the macroscopic pressure emerges from the space-time averages of microscopic interactions, which are in fact, Strichartz-type bounds and we have hence found a physical meaning for the Strichartz type bounds.
陈旭文,美国Rochester大学数学系教授,长期从事多体问题、动理学方程等偏微分方程的数学理论研究,已在国际顶级期刊 Inventiones Mathematicae,Journal of the European Mathematical Society,Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,Communications in Mathematical Physics等上发表学术论文30余篇。