报告题目:Edge coloring of hypergraphs
报 告 人:张霞
报告内容简介:A k-edge coloring of a hypergraph H is an edge coloring of H with k colors such that any two intersecting edges receive distinct colors. The Erdos-Faber-Lovasz conjecture states that every loopless linear hypergraph with n vertices has an n-edge coloring. In this talk, we verify the conjecture for collision-weak hypergraphs. This strictly extends two related results of Bretto, Faisant and Hennecart in 2020. Moreover, for a general hypergraph H (multiple edges allowed), we show that H is
-edge-colorable if H is a hypergraph in which each vertex is incident with at most one bunch of multiple 2-edges, which strictly extends a result of Dvorak in 2000.
Joint work with Qi Wang and Zhimin Wang.